Pray Over Them

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6


I'm sure each of us as believers have prayed for our children. For me, sometimes not as often and regularly as I should! But it should be a high priority in our lives. Whether it's in the morning when we wake up, as we are putting them to bed, or when we lie down to sleep, praying and asking God to take care of them and intervene in their lives is absolutely crucial in the world we live in today. 


We should also make it a point to specifically pray Scripture over them. The world is constantly bombarding children with messages that can lead them astray. When we pray God's word over them, we remind them of the truth. This helps to shield them from the world's lies and keep them grounded in God's truth.

Praying Scripture over children also helps to shape their character and instill in them Biblical values. Praying specific verses that teach about love, honesty, forgiveness, and other traits can help to shape a child's heart and to guide them towards Jesus.


When we pray God's word over our children, we are essentially communicating to them that God is real, that He is powerful and loving, and that He desires to have a personal relationship with them. This can help to lay the foundation for a strong faith in God.


Praying Scripture over our children can provide us an active participation in their spiritual development, it protects them from the lies and deceits of the world, shapes their character, instills important values, builds their faith, and strengthens the relationship with God. It is important for parents to speak God's word over our children and to remind them of His truth and promises in their lives.


Over several future articles, we will look into some specific verses to put into practice as we begin to pray the Word over our children.


Article written by Ashley Eason.


Articles in Series:

Guard Your Heart

With All Your Heart, Soul, and Strength

Honor Your Father and Mother

Straight Paths

Fighting Battles

Teach Them Forever

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