Pray Over Them: Straight Paths

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 3:5-6


This is the next article in the series, Pray Over Them.


Every one of us knows that our path in life is never easy. It's bumpy, winding, and usually full of plenty ups and downs. In fact, some of us may currently be in one of those sharp turns or deep valleys, but as believers, we know that we don't stay there. There is always someone leading us around the bend and up the hill, if we would only submit to Him and let Him do it!


Taking this thought a step further as a parent, we would hope that our children would never have to encounter those hard parts, the twists and turns that make life hard. But, we know that is not how life was meant to be. We are never promised an easy life, just that we know how it all ends and who the victor is. 

Proverbs 3 tell us not to lean on what WE think is right, but to fully trust the Lord in what He knows with all of our hearts. If we submit to Him and follow Him, he will guide us in the right direction and make our paths straight. This is much easier said than done many times for someone like me who likes to take control, but it is a necessity if we are to follow Jesus.


How do we pray this for our children, then? Pray that they would understand they're imperfections. That they would also understand that their ways are not the best and that God has the BEST plan for them, better than anything they could think up. Pray that they would trust so fully in Him that He would keep their path straight throughout their lives. And lastly as we know that those difficult parts of the path lie somewhere out in their future, pray that when they encounter those spots that they would lean even more on the hope that is Jesus and trust Him to guide their every step.


I pray that I would model this for my children, especially during the difficult times. I pray that they would see me follow Him, or to correct it when I don't as I should. And I pray that your trust in Him would grow with every step you take in the journey through this life!


Article written by Ashley Eason.

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Donna Watkins
2 years ago

Thank you. I’m learning more and more.