Peace In the Chaos That Is Motherhood

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock.

Isaiah 26:3‭-‬4 


There is absolutely nothing peaceful about a day at home with a preschool aged boy. There is yelling, lots of eating, bumped heads and bruised knees, and the occasional battle cry streaking down the hallway. Becoming a stay at home mom a year and a half ago significantly changed the way my day to day life looked. Sometimes I get lost in the noise and forget what actual quiet peacefulness sounds like. But whether you are staying at home with one or multiple preschoolers, homeschooling older children, or working outside the home and still coming home to the noise and chaos, the Lord is gracious enough to give us His Word that speaks directly to our mind, heart, and soul.


In Isaiah 26, we see a song of victory and trust in God when He has defeated the enemies of His people. And while this may seem specific, we can glean truths from it for our every day lives as well. We want to be in peace, and the command for achieving that is to keep our minds focused on God and to give complete trust to Him. Easier said that done sometimes, right? It's so easy to just say "Oh, just trust God!" when something is difficult. It's not something we can just say one time and be done with it. 


Keeping in mind that this is a song can put it in a different perspective. How many times a week do you get a song stuck in your head and you hear it over and over. We can approach this in the same way! Remember it. Get it stuck in your head. Remember that our God is an everlasting (forever, never-ending) rock (solid, unmovable) so He is fully trustworthy!


Spurgeon says, "We were once unguarded from spiritual evil, and we spent our days in constant fear; but the Lord has found for us a city of defence, a castle of refuge." He is our castle of refuge. And we can be joyful and peaceful when we keep our minds stayed on Him.


You keep me in perfect peace when my mind is stayed on you, because I trust you.


Repeat it, believe it, and be at peace and safe in the refuge of Christ.


Article written by Ashley Eason.

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