The Divine Design of Family: Reflecting God's Covenant Love

The biblical family serves as a picture of the Gospel. This unique picture echoes God’s covenant plan of redemption for all of humanity. In Ephesians 5, Paul compares the relationship between a husband and wife to that of Christ and the Church. Just as Christ sacrificially loved and gave himself up for the Church, a husband is called to love and sacrificially serve his wife.


In the same way, a wife is called to submit to and respect her husband, just as the Church submits to and respects Christ. This analogy illustrates the depth and selflessness of the love that is at the heart of God's covenant redemption. It shows us that the love between a husband and wife is meant to reflect the love of Christ for his people. This love is not based on feelings or emotions, but on a deep commitment to lay down one's life for the other.

The biblical family also teaches us about the importance of biblical roles within the family. Just as Christ is the head of the Church and the Church is called to submit to His leadership, a husband is called to be the spiritual leader of his family and a wife is called to submit to and respect his leadership.


These roles are not based on superiority or inferiority, but on the unique ways in which each member of the family is gifted and called to serve one another. The biblical family is a picture of God's covenant redemption. My Family. Your Family. Our families serve as a testimony to the world around us of what selfless, sacrificial love should look like. Our families should reflect the very heart of the gospel.


I pray that my family, and yours, will strive to reflect this love and uphold these roles in our own families, pointing others to the love and redemption of Christ.


Article written by BJ Eason.


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Donna Watkins
a year ago

Thank you.