Quail and Manna

The list of things that have surprised me about moving to what I thought was a desert continues to grow day by day. Over the past two years, I've come to see that Arizona has not only desert, but beautiful mountains, vast forests, snowy areas, and of course the Grand Canyon.


Another thing I never expected? Quail. All the time, quail. Sitting on the fence in our backyard, hanging out in the trees, running around the park...


They. Are. Everywhere.


They're fun to watch, but even a better reminder for me on a daily basis of God's provision.


In Exodus 16, in the midst of Israel's grumbling and complaining, the Lord announces that He will provide them with everything they needed for food in the form of manna from Heaven in the morning, and quail in the evenings. Every day. Not too much, not too little, but just enough.

I've struggled with answering the question, "What do I NEED?" I'm sure we all do that at some point to an extent. We look at our finances, our homes, our lives, and it's so easy to think, "Maybe I need more. Maybe if we just had _______ things would be perfect." But the truth is, we have what we need.


In Luke 12 Jesus says that if we are seeking the Kingdom of God, as we should be, we are provided for in what we need. And that's only one of many places Scripture speaks on God's good will in taking care of His people and their needs. But the key word is "needs." He provides what HE knows we need. Not what our selfish minds always want.


I hope the quail always stick around in our yard, because it is a sweet and consistent reminder that I am loved and I am provided for by an Almighty God who knows my every last need, even before I do. He is always there providing for me as I seek Him, and I am eternally grateful for His perfect wisdom. May we all have something in our daily lives that drive us to recall what a great God we serve!

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